
Showing posts from December, 2023
I have been wrestling this year (and several before it, really) with finding anchors for hope in a world, a life, a reality in which it feels illogical and unwise to continue hoping. Much of the journey of healing and unbecoming who I had to be just to survive has been freeing and has released tensions in my life. But the difficulty of holding onto hope as the bondage releases seems to have only increased.  As Advent brings it to focus, I see more clearly that the untethering from beliefs that are twisted to fit an earthly narrative is a necessary process. However, it is incomplete without intentionally reconnecting who I am finding myself to be deep within, who I was created to be, to the greater truths that have always existed.   In an attempt to dive headlong into the longstanding tradition of Advent this year, I woke this morning and began with some reading instead of moving straight into emails and life. The two things I am planning to follow are “Honest Advent” by Scott Erickson