Seven years ago today, I had worked through the night to get as much office work done as possible before Ean made his entrance, and I took this picture of my computer monitor sometime in the middle of the night. Labor was keeping me awake anyway, so I decided to be productive.

Sean had put this sticker on my computer sometime in the months before we got to this point, and it stood out to me that night. Pregnancy hormones were a beast, and the reminder was an important one many times over.

This week, it was timely to see it pop up again.

I don't have that computer anymore, we don't live in that state anymore, I don't go to that hospital anymore, the baby that I was terrified wouldn't survive that night turned 7 today.

In the midst of all the chaos, I hold onto the truth that it will be okay... and today, I am thankful to live in the reality that it is also already okay even when it isn't.

Happy Wednesday, friends. Hold onto hope.
I love you!
