Here’s a glimpse of my week. It started out feeling as fragile as the bubbles that floated into the sky on
the first morning of school. But the more I leaned into the work of continuing my healing journey (in therapy at the building that doesn’t terrify me anymore), lived out the calling to preach the gospel wherever possible (sometimes with words, like in the classroom where this print hung), and shared the process that’s empowered me to find the balance between leaning in and living out… the more I sink into bed exhausted and yet full of hope for what is coming.

Today was similar. Hard conversations. Heavy things to do. Holding lightly the people I come in contact with who are sensitive to engagement. Life has been said to be a balancing act, but I contend that if it’s an act, it’s not in balance.
Show up for yourself. Find your footing. Stand in your centered place. Only from there can you actually offer hope. It may be messy, but it’s so worth it.
I love you, friends.
