As I have spent time with my “spiritual family of origin” this weekend, I have been reminding myself that I have just as much right to be here as anyone… and I have been so thankful that even though most who would care to see me have reached glory, God is raising up a new generation who welcomes me to the table even when the larger “family” would rather I be gone.

Even just knowing that I’m not the only black sheep gives me hope that maybe it won’t always be quite as lonely as these last few years have been.
This came across my feed as the service tonight was ending. And as I process the day, it landed squarely. It made me sad but also gave me something to hold onto. I won’t betray my siblings or myself any longer. The secrets are harming people, and I will not be loyal to the systems of oppression and violence that are pushing people off the branches of the family tree.
I love you all.
