Last week was one of the strangest I’ve experienced in a long time… maybe ever, if I’m honest. Conversations and meetings and all kinds of things changing but in ways that indicate a unifying of purpose and clarifying of direction.

It’s been really amazing to live into health and get to see some of what that looks like in all the different roles. As a wife, a mother, a daughter, a sister, a friend, a pastor, an employee, and a colleague… in all the ways that I bump into the world, I am able to show up as myself.
Today, though, anxiety hit. I don’t know why. I was in the middle of training for one new job when I got the paperwork to complete for the acceptance of another. And the overwhelming fear that I would let both organizations down landed like a lead weight in the center of my chest.
Holding onto reality and knowing that I know what I know is easier some days than others. That’s just the truth. Living from that truth is easier some days than others, but it is still true.
I’m so thankful to be able to share that in addition to joining the team at Heartland 180 in KCK ( at the beginning of July, I have also accepted a position as Affiliate Development and Volunteer Coordinator for the National Alliance on Mental Illness in the KCK Affiliate ( NAMI is a fantastic organization whose commitment to advocacy, support, and the growth of those living with the impact of mental illness is something I can deeply identify with.
In addition to this change, there have been numerous other areas where doors are opening to engage in healthy practices and share the impact of finding balance with people. As the community of people willing to put forth the effort to find this same balance in their own lives continues to grow, I am encouraged… and terrified.
Both are true.
Thanks for being here, friends… for sharing things that keep me afloat, believing in me, and doing hard things in your own lives.
I love you all.
