I'm so thankful to have had a day full of beautiful connections and the gift of seeing God work in places I was always led to believe he couldn't possibly... since they weren't "Christian." If not for the hope that healing brings, despair would set in.

Pay attention, friends. Darkness sometimes hides behind blinding, artificial lights, and the trust we place in people we can't see clearly puts many at risk.
Even if the "circumstance can be redeemed," 🤮🤮🤮 real people are harmed... and it's happening too much for either the harm or the tepid responses to be excusable.
I'm not sharing links because I've run across them enough today for a lifetime, and I don't want to trigger others. But news stories and court documents are available if you're interested.
Pray for the people of Susanville, CA, and the children and adults worldwide who are dealing with the impacts of this man's choices.
