The wedding went off with very few hitches! We are so thankful to have been able to celebrate Jeffrey and Carolyn last weekend, and that none of the problems we imagined came about. It just goes to show how much time can be wasted fretting.

We’re on the way to Indianapolis today. It’s not the first time we’ve headed to General Assembly as a summer trip, but only time will tell if it is the last.
After this trip, we’re in the countdown to a lot of life changes. I accepted a position with Heartland 180 Inc. in Wyandotte County. I’ll be taking on the role of Parent and Family Support Coordinator as of July 1. It’s a big transition for our household, but we’re believing God is in it.
Life marches on, and we are thankful to still be marching with it.
This week, we are focused on people. Those we know and many we don’t, those we like, and many we’ve long avoided. I don’t care who they are anymore, this is the week to love out loud… like I was taught to by generations of the faith-full before me.
Years of learning and healing are now behind us, with a lifetime of them yet to come. Here’s to thriving this week and moving on to whatever is next.
Be safe if you’re traveling. Be gentle with yourself if you’re struggling.
I love you, friends.
