When addressing problematic behavior, we should never question whether physical violence has occurred to gauge whether or not abuse is happening. Abuse is not only physical. Full stop.

In the church, we have become so tolerant of behaviors that violate a person's humanity that this seems to be one of the primary ways we judge whether someone is validated in standing up for themselves.
The diminishment of a person in physical, emotional, intellectual, or spiritual ways (and all the other forms therein implied) is abuse.
If you have spoken up and been silenced, if you have spoken up and been dismissed, if you are still trying to find your voice... I'm listening. I'm holding space for you. I will stand up for you.
Whether I know you personally or not, you matter. Beyond race, gender, orientation, denomination, belief... beyond any classification of humanity, I am here if you need help surviving any abusive situation.
I love you.
