I did a thing today... and I'm not free to say precisely what it is yet. But it's a big thing that is difficult to fully process the impact of.

The reality is that so much of life has both positive and negative that have to be held simultaneously. Good things may have sadness around the edges, and it has been difficult to see the good sometimes because it is counter to what I was always told good would be.
I'm called to ministry. I believe I'm called to pastor. There has been so much affirmation of the effort I have put in and the work I feel called to do. But as I listen to what God is saying, I'm thankful that there are things that fill in space and time and needs when my obedience takes me to uncomfortable places.
Thank you to all who believe in me... you have loved me through to a place where I believe in myself.
Welcome to the weekend and the next week of the rest of our lives.
I love you, friends!
