Today, I spent the day in a couple of different places, talking to a couple of different people about a couple of different things. On the heels of yesterday, when I spent the day in one place talking to one person about one thing, this was a solid improvement. That may seem like a dig at the one person, and praise for the couple of people... but this is not really the case.

Both statements and the declaration of improvement from one to another are really more about the growing sense that Kansas City only offers as much of a home as I am able to find within myself... and the importance of the growing community in which I find safety.
Last night was heavy, and I fell into bed exhausted and uncertain. Today was much different, and I head to bed one class closer to my masters being done and several hugs closer to heaven. I'll take today... and yesterday because it brought me here.
Know that you know what you know, friends. Even if no one around you does.
I love you.
