There are some days when the memories I am presented with on Facebook feel like they are there to remind me that the big changes I am terrified of in my present are not so much different than things I've survived before.

A not insignificant part of me would trade those pandemic days for these days when it feels like we are fighting the virus of hate and exclusion. While we didn't know if COVID was on our groceries or packages, we could wipe, sanitize, and take comfort in knowing we had done all we could. Now, though, we have to examine harder things... digging into Scripture and using reason to explore the lived experience of so many who have been hurt by the traditions the church has upheld for so long.
I am so thankful to serve a God that already knows. A God who loves us despite all our failures. A God that has given us the free will to keep growing and figuring out how to love others as He does.
Even though there does not seem to be a point on the horizon, we can live in obedience to the call into the unknown. Even though there are no easy answers, we can love.
I'm praying for the church of my heritage. Believing that God is at work. Doing my best to live in peace, knowing that love will always be enough...
I love you, friends.
