Sometimes triggers are just unavoidable. They walk into places where you are, and you have to live through your body's response to them. Even if you would rather try to avoid them, sometimes there is no way...

That's when past healing is evident, and ongoing healing is able to happen.
I'm so thankful that a different ending happens more and more. So many people have been part of the journey to different with me... And today, I'm grateful beyond words for a dear, pastoral presence in our lives and her care for myself and my family.
Being in a place where we can be real, where trauma-informed ministry isn't a far-off wish, where love is constant and tangible... it is such a reparative space for all the parts of me that still just want to run away.
Sunday is coming to a close. I don't know what this coming week will hold for you, but I pray you are gentle with yourself.
I love you, friends.
