I’ve had an empty space above the TV since we moved in. During the Christmas season, we stuck a nativity up there… but before and since, there has just been a hole.

Yesterday, I went on an adventure with my big brother. When I was a kid, that was the dream. To be included in the big kids’ stuff. These days, it’s a more mundane kind of adventuring. But sometimes, there’s still treasure to be found.
This sign was that for me. In the midst of so many big things; big grief, big dreams, big changes, big adjustments; it’s easy to get overwhelmed. The scary sets in. And sometimes, I forget that good things happen, too.
The hole is filled now. We’re cleaning house and paring down for sanity’s sake. But this message was needed front and center.
Don’t miss other highlights… There’s hope, the expectation of good things coming. There’s always love, especially for people who don’t get enough due to things beyond their control. And there’s a tiny sign below that reminding us that we’re not alone. Sometimes the clouds come, but the stars don’t leave.
Hold on, friends. Have faith, keep hoping, live in love.
I love you!
