I needed this last night. Trauma activation hit hard. Shame spoke loudly.

But, God.

My closest circles spoke back, reminding me of truth; calling out the lies in my brain’s response. They lovingly pulled me back to reality, offering space to feel in safety and coregulation until my mind and body returned to its own balance.
These tapes that play in my head have been and continue to be re-recorded into messages of healthy self-love, balance, reality… and truth. I have the skills and ability to be able to find balance on my own quite often these days because I’ve learned that process. And I very much lean into the reality that community is essential to healing.
I was broken in community, and I am being healed in community.
This book offers a lot of insights into the practices of how I ended up where I am. Recognizing the roots of shame, not only in my life but in humanity, and digging through the layers of trauma that have occurred to be able to confront it has not been a simple journey.
To be able to stand firm, speak truth, and break the cycles of damage have been so worth it, though.
If you have questions about how to get started, how you’ve ended up where you are, whether there’s any hope for anything different… I’m always available.
Isolation is the breeding ground for shame. You do not have to sort it all out alone. Reach out. I’ll hold space for you. I’ll hope when you just can’t.
I love you, friends.
