The revival at Asbury has been at the forefront of my mind these last few days. With such recent memories, my mind's eye can see the happenings in a way that makes them far more real than they could have been otherwise. When I close my eyes, my senses snap back to that place, and I am there again. 

These last few days have been a journey of coming to know that the revival I have spoken prayers for in recent years is not the one happening across the country... Though I thought I was praying for something to happen in general, quiet time spent in reflection this afternoon has shown me that God has a far more specific plan than I could have ever dreamed. 

Just as I couldn't have foreseen the impact of my time at the Abbey a few weeks ago, leaning into the hope of experiencing God's presence in my recliner, in a quiet house, on an ordinary Saturday was not where I thought he would make himself known. I wanted to drive to the revival, to feel the wind that people are speaking of, to see the crowd, and know that God was there. 

Instead, a still, small voice beckoned me into a private knowledge of the same. I spent time with God in a very tangible way today. My heart knew the same presence that I encountered at the Abbey, and nothing pressing was pulling me away this time. So, I stayed. I read and prayed. I wept and sat quietly. I believed that God could meet me here... and he did. 

Learning to lean in is hard work. Trusting that he is in both the silence and the sound is a process...
but God showed up, and I am changed.

What a day...

I love you, friends!

Love never stops loving.
It extends beyond the gift of prophecy, which eventually fades away.
It is more enduring than tongues, which will one day fall silent.
Love remains long after words of knowledge are forgotten.
Our present knowledge and our prophecies are but partial,
but when love’s perfection arrives, the partial will fade away.
Until then, there are three things that remain:
faith, hope, and love—yet love surpasses them all.
So above all else, let love be the beautiful prize for which you run.

1 Corinthians 13


  1. Beautiful! I have been meditating on these three enduring treasures as well, Faith, Hope, and Love!


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