I got to go to the ocean today. It has been so long since I’ve gotten to enjoy the waves that I had all but forgotten the way the sound of them crashing can wipe away worry in much the same way as they wash away footprints on the beach.
Listening to the water, exploring the sand, examining the rocks… my original child was so enjoying life that I momentarily forgot to watch for the waves. And suddenly, I was in the water. A wave had come up quickly and washed the sand out from under my feet. In my surprise, I scrambled to escape the inevitable and instead dropped my phone, lost my shoe, and was momentarily disoriented from the cold of the water.

It took just a second for me to grab all my pieces before the wave carried anything out. And then I heard a voice asking if I was okay. On this rainy day, the beach had been all but deserted… until it wasn’t. After he made sure I was good, he told me it probably didn’t help because I hadn’t gotten to see it, but he did the same thing a few days ago. And it actually did help.
As I got my sense back and put my shoe back on, I took inventory of the day. While swimming hadn’t been on the agenda (especially not in my only pair of jeans), there was nothing pressing pulling me from the beach now.
So, I stayed. I walked on the sand for a while, watching the waves chase the foam to shore. I even wandered back down onto the rocks and was caught by a few more waves.
No others knocked my feet from under me, though. And the fact that the one that did managed to only enhanced the enjoyment of the time there was an interesting realization.

I’m thankful for the balance in which I’m learning to live. And for the skills to know that being knocked down does not have to ruin a life... the waves only have the power you give them.

Take a deep breath. Imagine the smell of the salt water. Hear the squawk of the gulls. Feel the sand shifting under your feet. But don’t fret. Even if you get a little damp, it’s just a reason to linger longer. 

And celebrate the fact that you’re alive.

I love you, friends!
