Where on earth did Monday go?!? This morning as we prepared for the opening chapel of Holiness Week here on ANU's campus, I had some time to read and pray before heading over. And then service... Roland sharing his story with us as the setup for the rest of the week was such an incredible honor. I cannot imagine many people who would not be able to hear in his story some part of their own. 

After the service, I had the privilege of praying with a young lady at the altar. We talked about shame and how the enemy likes to keep reminding us of things that we have done wrong in the past. And then we talked about how God's loving voice would not do that. We prayed over her, and it was incredible to see her spirits lift as she was finally coming to believe that the shame did not hold her captive and that there is hope beyond it. This sweet sister joined us for lunch, and we were so blessed to get to know her more and hear her story.

It was not just her, though, reports are that others were having these same important conversations around campus this afternoon. I am so hoping that the truths Roland spoke this morning resonate in hearts tonight and that they come ready to encounter God tomorrow morning. 

There is much freedom for freedom's sake to be found in allowing God to be God and love to be enough.

This afternoon, I got to go on an adventure. ArutΓ© (I'm not positive how to spell his name, but he was amazing) took me to Nairobi, where we were able to purchase the new digital piano that several generous friends sent funds for! We brought it back to the tabernacle, where it was excitedly received. We hope for it to be set up and ready for tomorrow's service.

I have stopped questioning why I am here. God has made it clear that there is much to learn and great work to be done within me, if nothing else. And I am praying that I can make a difference somehow. If nothing else, I speak to others the same way I speak to myself now... and love continually proves to be enough. 

On to chapel day two tomorrow! Thank you so much for all of your prayers and kind messages. They definitely are an encouragement as I survive a bit of homesickness heading into a week away from there. I'm thankful for family of all sorts holding down all the forts and for this budding branch of the family tree being here with me. It is the gift of God for my life right now.

I love you all!!!


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