Today felt longer than other days. It was good, don't get me wrong. Chapel this morning was amazing. Roland brought the concept of resting in God's identity of love as God himself demonstrated for us on the seventh day of creation. This is something that is possible today, as we see in Hebrews 4. 

Instead of being zealous and exerting and striving diligently for things that we hope and think will secure our identity, we can work to make sure that we can enter God's rest in obedience to his call. 

I would hate to look back forty years from now and realize that I walked all over the desert because I refused to believe I was good enough to enter the promised land... 

After chapel we got to have lunch with some old friends for Roland and new friends for me. It is so nice to meet people who feel so familiar in a land where everything is new. Today, as I worked on a plate full of minnows that were so graciously provided for my enjoyment, this was especially appreciated.

After chapel was a meeting with someone who wanted to talk to me. I still find it challenging to be seen as someone who can help other people. Though I've always offered people various kinds of assistance, it is challenging to believe I have something to offer without typing something or creating something or doing something for them. But it was a genuinely good talk and I was so thankful to have been able to sit with her and listen. I prayed for her at the end, and then was so blessed by her prayer for not only me, but Sean and the boys, as well. It was amazing to hear her heart for these people whom she doesn't even know beyond they let me come here and she wanted God to bless them as they waited for my return. 

Dinner and more chatting tonight. Contemplating the movement required toward God and all the different spaces in which that motion might be possible. And now back to "real" life for a bit as I try and write a paper about developmental disabilities. It's a bit of a shock to still be doing such a mundane thing as I am in these extraordinary circumstances, but I am so thankful to be able to maintain my coursework from here so that I stay on track to finish next fall. 

I'm off to write quickly and then sleep... hopefully in that order.

I love you, friends!
