Survived. I wasn’t sure there for a bit. But God knew. Waking up this morning to messages from friends who were believing and supporting me from afar. Knowing that my amazing husband was up in the middle of the night, that my mother had stayed up late… I may be on my own physically, but I have a fantastic network praying me through. And it is so appreciated.

God is doing something here in Africa. I so wish that I could stay to see it, but I am also ready to be home. Tomorrow is the last full day. By evening on Thursday, I'll be on a plane back to New York. 

Chapel is here if you wanted to hear it. I'm open to feedback, but maybe if it's not great feedback wait until I'm back in the States... Thanks.💋

Also, here's the prayer that I prayed at the end. Several have already asked for that, so I'm linking it here to be able to refer to it easily.

I'm exhausted. School and then sleep. More tomorrow. 

I love you, friends!
