Sunday has ended here. It was a quiet day, containing only church and lunch. This morning, there was time for silent prayer and reflection before the service. The quiet here is different than at home. Beyond just not having children around me (which is strange, indeed), the noises that do occur in times of solitude seem more natural. Insect sounds, birds, dogs barking... Off in the distance, there may be talking and laughter, sometimes music from various directions. But it contributes to a reflection and communion with God that is more difficult to find in the rush of life back home.

Church this morning was an incredible experience. I have had the pleasure of worshipping with international congregations before, but this was still a much different time. In the songs that I didn't understand, God's presence was very apparent. And the message... Oh, the message. While there were many parts that were impactful and well-stated, the main thing that I took was a statement the speaker made toward the end.

"There is a cost to obedience. But if you are with God, the benefits are everlasting."

You'd have a hard time convincing me that God didn't tap me on my shoulder and make sure I was paying attention right then. What a powerful truth. There IS a cost to obedience. Nothing wishy-washy there. It's not new information. But I certainly can sense the weight of it in a whole different way here in Kenya.

After service was a lunch full of deep conversations and life-giving community. I do not have a way to convey how fulfilling it is to be able to sit with those who have done deep work and learn from them. To be allowed the privilege of even just listening is incredible. To be gifted with the ability to question and dig into my own understanding and journey is something that I couldn't have even dreamed of.

Returning home late in the afternoon, I rested. I was tired. And instead of pushing through to try and do something halfway that needed more attention than I could give, I laid down and slept. With contemplative music playing, I would stir and hear something meaningful, breathe a prayer and fall back asleep. It was the most restful nap I have had in a very long time. 

The late evening was spent in solitude. Preparing for the coming week, I have been physically writing in a prayer journal. It is a practice that I have not done with any regularity before and I find it interesting to see how the conversation flows from earth to heaven and back again on paper. 

Tomorrow starts Holiness Week services here. From the sounds of it, this will be a different kind of week than anyone here has ever experienced. Please be in prayer with us that God's work will be accomplished and the insidious spirit of shame will be broken in this place. Pray for Roland as he brings his story and shares how God has led him to understand the impact shame has on our lives. Pray for Cindy as she moves in these relationships that have been forged over years of service. Pray that hearts will be receptive and that God will be present. 

Good night from all the way around the world...
I love you, friends. 
