And suddenly, another day was over as quickly as it began.

Today was quite the experience. We began at Nairobi National Park before the sun was up, wanting to make sure that we got to see the animals before they sought shelter in the heat of the day. This turned out to be a very good decision.

Click here to see the pictures!

Throughout the time in the park, I had the recurring thought that it was incredible to see all of these different kinds of animals together in one place. Previously, the closest I had come to anything like this was various zoos and nature preserves in the US. There is no comparison. If you want to really get a sense of how small you are and how much more important the balance of community is... come to Kenya. 

This place certainly has a way of putting things into a new perspective. I suppose that might be true anytime you travel to a place that is completely beyond your normal borders. But for me, Kenya will always be the place that expanded my horizons. 

Tonight, I'm processing things that have been happening. No trip is without bumps, I'm sure. Neither has this one been. I am beyond blessed, however, to be in a place where the mess does not overwhelm the message. 

Life is like Nairobi National Park was. There are plenty of beautiful things to see... but it's not without heaps of dung scattered around. I think my takeaway today is learning to make avoiding the piles look like a dance instead of stumbling around and ultimately falling into the poop.

Cindy played this song the other night, and it's been running through my head ever since. It was brand new to me, but it is incredible. And I think it would be a great song for slow dancing past the piles in the arms of a loving God.

Please come, friends. 

I love you!!!
