Day one was really long. In reality, it was two days long... maybe three. And technically, it isn't over.

I left Kansas City on Tuesday morning. Flying into New York was interesting. I've never been there, so it was exciting to see some of the things from the air that I have only seen images of. At the advice of people who have crossed more time zones than I have, I immediately set to work getting on Africa time. That was simple enough because I had slept very little the night before and was ready for some! I popped a handful of vitamins and melatonin and went to sleep.  It was about 2130 Kenya time then. 

When I woke up about eight hours later, I was feeling pretty good and managed to stay awake for several hours, only taking a brief nap before heading to JFK to get on the long flight. Once on board, I decided I would wait until after dinner was served to sleep again. That mostly worked, except I couldn't get to sleep. After shifting and dozing for a few hours, they served another meal. 😳. 

Once that second service was complete, things seemed to settle down a bit. I turned on a movie I had seen a million times before, and I went to sleep. I woke to the sun rising outside my window a few hours later. I love what it does to the top of the clouds when I'm in the air! Breakfast came shortly, and then it was time to start winding down. I got everything put back together and watched anxiously for my first glimpse of Africa. We rode on top of gorgeous clouds pretty much all the way into Nairobi.

Getting off the plane, gathering luggage, and making it through customs were a breeze. It was less than a half hour from when I landed to when I was streetside and ready to go! 

Henry, the amazing driver from ANU, and Pastor Jane came to pick me up. We were off to the mall to pick up a few things, and then it was on to campus. Today has been busy keeping moving to stay awake, lunch
and dinner with people to facilitate engagement and plan for meetings that are starting tomorrow, and then a solid night's sleep before we hit the ground running tomorrow. 

More meaningful posts are coming, I promise! I'm just processing everything today. It's a big deal to step foot on a new continent.

For now, know that I love you... even from the future!

